Online course 'Saggar firing in an electric kiln'
You can now buy the course!
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After giving masterclasses and publishing the book 'Saggar firing in an electric kiln', it was time for an online course.
The online course covers the same technique as the book, it visualizes the content of the book. *)
The course is in English with English subtitles. In the future the subtitles will be translated into other languages.
The course consist of 7 videos starting with an introduction with general information about the course. Followed by six lessons in which I'll take you through the whole process from making a saggar to finishing your pieces. If you bring each lesson into practice after watching it, you have done your first saggar firing at the end of the course.
The price is € 90,- for one year access, not including tax (outside the EU no taxes).
For more about the course 'saggar firing in an electric kiln', watch the video below.
*) The technique of breaking and assembling pieces is not covered in the course (nor the book).
"I really enjoyed the course and after having read the book I found the course complimented the book really well. I feel confident to experiment now with saggar firing and also confident my electric kiln won't be damaged.
I enjoyed the graphics and the manner in which Jolanda explained and showed the various do's and dont's, along with the clear, concise instructions. Its a wonderful course that has inspired me to go ahead and use the saggar I made about a year ago."
"I can say that seeing someone actually doing the process adds to the more detail given in the book."
"I found the course interesting with clearly explained content and easy to follow video. I would recommend it to other potters."
"It was very instructive and well taught. It was concise and with no "decorative information" right to the point, (…) I learned enough to do it by myself. Thanks a lot for invest in this endeavor because sometimes books aren't enough to move learners to actually become doers."